Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Off to the Next Adventure

We played a game yesterday.

We asked each other:
"When you die,
 how do you want to be memorialized?"

One person got a little confused and said:
"I don't really want to think about how I'm going to die." To which I responded: "No, no.
It's not about how you die, it's about how you want to be memorialized, how you want to be remembered. How do you want to be celebrated? How do you want people to remember what you stood for?"

One person said:
"I want someone to build me a big freakin' Greek mausoleum!" Another person said:
"I want you to have a party, and have just as much fun at my death as you had with me in my life."

I said: "I want you to take me into the mountains and stand amongst the Pines. Look for a hawk. When you see the hawk, take my ashes and throw them into the wind ... because I WILL BE THAT HAWK.
And let this be a sign to you that my Spirit is SOARING, and I am off to the next adventure."

From now on, when I'm getting to know someone new, I will ask them this question, because their answer will summarize their essence for me in a nutshell, in an instant.