Monday, March 5, 2012

Tree Spirit

There was a major blizzard a couple of days ago, and many trees, branches, and power lines are down.

Today, a fallen tree lay across my path, and as I bent down to inspect it, I touched the tree in empathy because it had been broken and torn down … and I swear these words popped into my head instantly … “I’m not broken. My spirit has been freed. The same is happening for you … you’ll see.”

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Druids/Paradigm Shift

Has anyone ever read a theory that says that some of the Druids at Iona Scotland actually became Christian priests in an attempt to save themselves and the old spiritual ways as much as they could by "hiding or embedding" mystical information, and themselves, within Christianity? This fascinates me.

Recently I read "Confessions of a Pagan Nun" by Kate Horsley, and I am stunned and intrigued, and yearning to go deeper!

That very moment in time, in history, where a person (in this case, a DRUID) has to make the choice to join, or become one with the very thing (institution, religion, system) that seems to be persecuting, slaughtering, ANNIHILATING his whole way of life, his whole reality, his whole belief system, in order to survive, to stay alive, all while simultaneously surrendering to "what is," to accept that the old reality, order, paradigm, or the very ground beneath you is crumbling.

What would that person have done in order to ensure not only one's own survival, but the survival of the knoanyone and ways of the Old Religion ... to ensure that All continues to evolve spiritually?

I wish there were diaries available from that time period of the Druids so that we could know exactly what was going on in the hearts and minds of the Druids as they saw the inevitability of what was coming.
I wish we could know how they prepared themselves, how they adapted, for such a megalithic change/paradigm shift ... sort of like the Native Americans who saw the "White Man" coming. Sort of like where we are today in terms of the annihilation of Nature, the very thing that sustains us.

Does anyone know of such journals?

I feel that if I could somehow know the thoughts of our forebears, know their feelings, know how they dealt with things, how they planned, how they prepared ... then perhaps I could better navigate the Death/Rebirth cycle happening currently in my life and in the larger world.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ted Talk, Susan Cain: The power of introverts

Watch this video