Saturday, February 18, 2012

Proof of the Soul? Gregg Braden and The New Physics

Gregg Braden and "the new physics"
states that when you start getting into the world of subatomic particles,
Newtonian physics no longer applies.
When observing atomic particles, the observer’s focus EFFECTS that which he is attempting to observe.

The observer effect:
In Quantum Theory there is a notion that there IS no phenomenon until it is observed. This effect is known as the 'Observer Effect'. If this is true, it means that before anything can manifest in the physical universe it must first be observed. The observation cannot occur without the pre-existence of some sort of consciousness, or awareness, to do the observing.
This implies that the physical Universe is the direct result of our consciousness or awareness.
This is often referred to as The Copenhagen Interpretation:
This interpretation is based on the work of physicist Niels Bohr and Wernes Heisenberg in 1927 at the Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen, Denmark. In other words they believed that the universe with all its atoms and electrons exists as an infinite number of overlapping possibilites. That there is no exact location of it since it can be in an infinite number of possible locations. It is not until someone observes it that the location is locked and it manifests itself.

Therefore: I believe that as soon as you earnestly start looking for proof of the soul, you create it.

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